-Solution architect & operational lead, implementing a next-generation global access control system compliant with domestic and international regulatory requirments
-Deploy, upgrade, and lifecycle maintainence of customer-facing APIs via API Gateway
-Migrate application components from virtual machines into cointainer platforms like OpenShift and Azure AKS.
An open-source cryptourrency trading bot which uses the Coinbase Pro API to pull live market data
and automate the placement of trades. Designed by default to perform simple dollar-cost-averaging, but configurable to execute arbitrary trading logic
using live price feeds from multiple exchanges.
An open-source web app which scrapes the calendars of local music venues
and aggregates them into a single, searchable page. An hourly script keeps the event database always-up-to-date.
An open-source web app designed to show users their top artists/tracks on Spotify.
This app leverages an OAuth 2 authentication flow to make secure calls to the Spotify API and present a user's listening history in a fun and interesting way.
A location aware open-source Android app that allows
tracking of favorite music artists and notification of upcoming concerts.
Download it from the Google Play Store.